Sunday 11 August 2019

Bicycle Mania (XVII); Wacky Wanderers & Wet Wheels....Roberts Creeks to North Vancouver

Ouch.... that was three evenings of boozing in a row now...

.... and it is RAINING !


Time to take a shower?

Pretty man is back....

....and he is great company for a while.... he sounds like a lonely but fun guy..... HOWEVER..... beer later and he spews conspiracy theories..... OF COURSE, the government sprays stuff into the atmosphere to change our behaviour, OF COURSE 9/11 was an inside job.... that plane that flew into the mountain in the Alps with all those students was remote controlled.... the vote for women and the homosexualization of our world is a devious plot by VERY powerful groups to destabilize our society....
.... LMAO... all I can say is "At least I'm part of a movement"  and even Hans can only roll his eyes LOL.


Miraculously, the weather forecast AND the weather have changed... it is no longer raining and the roads are drying.....

I'm at the ferry terminal at 15:00 and cars are already experiencing a 1-ferry wait.... I've NEVER seen that many bicycles on this route before...


I'm on the Queen of Surrey again; my battery is charging and I'm typing....

16:25..... HS BAY....

I'm FAST, I just want to get to my room.... and I'm checking in at 17:10 .... not a single drop of rain along the journey ;=)


I'm TIRED... but I should go eat something ...

I almost go to Denny's, but Eda is not there, so I go where I can speak Vietnamese ;-)

Com ga ka ri!, which is pretty much the same as the Curry Chicken Bowl that I would have ordered at Denny's.... but at least here they have chopsticks!

Only two waitresses and they are RUNNING because the place is PACKED.... 


I didn't have a nap today... and I feel it !

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