Friday 12 July 2019

Gulag Living (IX & X) Preparing to LEAVE this shit hole ...

That's what happens if you go to sleep at 18:00, LOL.


NO, more sleep is definitely NOT in the cards.....

A strange coincidence..... the last time I voyaged as far north as Egmont....

.... was almost EXACTLY 5 years ago.....


toi dang xem nhung anh cua Viet Nam... va toi khoc !  I am SO HOMESICK !


The forecast calls for a mix of sun & clouds..... and it's completely overcast and drizzling..... Constant Bullshit & Constant Cravings!


Despite the ugly weather, I decide to return the rental car.....


A bike trip to the liquor store....
I'm having some wine while watching Underworld, Blood Wars on Netflix; memories of watching the first installments of this damned good series together with George.... he never got to see this one because he died before its release date....


Too much booze and NOT enough food.... time for another Curry Chicken Bowl...

I'm reading an article in the Travel section of The Telegraph.... the ULTIMATE ITINERARY for Vietnam  ...... at first I'm scared.... but then I'm relieved.... the article sends the friggin tourists to all "the usual spots".... steering them WELL CLEAR of the "Real Viet Nam" (TM), i.e. well clear of where I live. 
HOME, sweet HOME
The VERY LAST thing I want to see at my beach is more daft tourists trying to get Instagram shots!


WHY am I STILL feeling peckish?  Must be all the booze.... Half the chicken curry is in a take-out box and I find myself ordering a side order of sourdough toast.... ODD.
Damn. Another 3 hour nap in the middle of the day.....


I have to bring all that extra stuff to Grandma's eventually.... I can't take all that extra crap with me on the bike trip...  Nah, tomorrow morning is early enough for that....


Bite the bullet and get out of the room......
.... the weather is gorgeous but all the pushy cars on the ride to Obsession Bikes to buy two spare inner tubes are simply ANNOYING.... and taking a breath of a black cloud of Diesel smoke behind an accelerating city bus is NOT one of my favourite things in life.


Denny's again?   I need to meet Eda to plan tomorrow's extravaganza ;-)  Eat more?  I'm not sure....
After 2 bites I seriously regret having ordered the clubhouse sandwich 

But the plan for tomorrow has been established !



Good sleep ....


OMG, the FIRST time I have seen a decent dawn in this city in a LONG TIME...

Amazing how a nice sunrise brightens not only the day but also the mood of the observer..... I only wish there were more of them in this place.

There are things that I NEED to do today, if tomorrow's departure is to unfold without a hitch.... laundry, leave extra luggage, pick up some bicycle-related things....

I notice that life during the last week has been too hectic.... I don't have the peace of mind to reply to e-mails anymore... Chuong and Ti/n are waiting for a reply and I'm not writing one..... I hope that will change during the coming days outside this city....

NO breakfast..... let's head to Grandma's house.....

Grandma is in an agreeable mood.... I do laundry, leave the big backpack with stuff I don't need, grab some bike things and some other little things....

On the way back:  Yes, my hotel at sea level also is in the zone of that grey-blue air down there.....
.....don't fool yourself.... that grey stuff is what you're breathing if you live in Vancouver.  And today is a comparatively clean day because it rained yesterday!

Back in the hotel.... everything in the room now will have to come with me or be tossed....

I use up the last remnants of the bottle of White Lightning chain wax.....
..... and I am PREPARED for tomorrow's departure ;-)

Should I have a nap before tonight's Extravaganza ????

Time to get ready.... they should be here soon ....

I'm FIGHTING the HOARDING spirit.  I know that I have way too much stuff....
....even things like this.....      then why is it still so hard to let go of it? .... even if it is a gift to a good friend ...?
Vietnam still has to teach me so much ;-)

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