Friday 31 May 2019

Bai Bien Cua Toi (XIII)..... Woes, Washer remote service...Wacky Wind & Whatever else


Argghhh..... I smoked and drank too much again ....

 ....BUT..... there is always THIS ....... and this NEVER gets old ;-)

It's May 31st today..... 

I can't believe it's only been one year since kokum died.....
One of the people who are no longer in my life and whom I think of daily ....


Time to call Grandma..... even though I barely have minutes left on my phone....... there are two women in that house and they can't get the washing machine started....  I have to walk them through it, trying to remember where all the buttons are, from OVER HERE......
....and then I hear through from over 12,000 km away ...."Oh, it works!"...... 
Of course it does, LOL.


More walking
When I first used an old stick to prop up a garbage bag at the beach 10 days ago, I didn't think the idea would be copies THIS quickly

... and swimming ...

Life in paradise can get BORING...... what to do now?...... let's fly a kite.....

Time to let it SOAR !

WTF?  WHAT does that black bird think it's doing?

 GET AWAY from my kite !!!!

It has finally realized that my kite is NOT willing to mate ?
Quan grabs the kite for a second when I come back..... his reaction after he gives it some line proves he's NEVER had a kite in his hands 

And of course there is Banana Beach Boy:


Why YES, the sun IS high in the sky ;-)


Speaking of dogs...Sweden has about as much liveliness as a dog cemetery......
.....but something furry sneaks up on me, nuzzling my legs....
I LOVE that dog ;-)
....PUPPY is back and the love is mutual ;-)


should I drive to Song Cau or a have a nap......?

I try visiting Chau.... but I forget that between 13:00 & 15:00 everyone in Vietnam seems to be asleep in a hammock...... toi se hoc !

Oh screw it....I'm going swimming again ....

L is sick, so I cancel dinner with Q..... we'd just be sitting there eating and grinning at each other.... somehow I don't think I'd get up to any high levels of speaking Vietnamese today.....   tomorrow will be a better day!  And given that The COLD is going around..... getting ample of sleep is probably a good idea....maybe I get to avoid getting it ?

A while later.... back in Sweden: 

I'm training Johann to make a Cosmopolitan...

....but Bobby delivers the coupe de grace with the 3rd one ....  and I must admit that I am WASTED.......
BED..... NOW!


One last smoke..... and NO REST FOR THE WICKED ... there is Q walking up to my terrace....... his son H wants to become a taxi driver instead of working in his learned profession of hair dresser.... I understand Q's annoyance, LOL.

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