Friday 24 May 2019

Bai Bien Cua Toi (VI): Buying Wire and Wine, and Watching the Wicked Ways of the World.

3:00 is too early to get up..... but maybe it's those constant bright flashes from the distant thunder showers illuminating my room through the stupid white curtains that are the problem .....


I see the yet nameless woman employee (Trong, as I learn later ;-) start cleaning the beach..... time to help ...


In the news:  The US wants to put Julian Assange in prison for 175 years..... for telling the truth about US atrocities....  WTF?
It is time to kick the Big Bad Bully in the balls, i.e. hit them where it hurts most:  
BOYCOTT American products !  

Let your actions tell them fat, lazy & mean-spirited Americans what you think of their elected government's policies !


Not only did one of the employees sweep my terrace... she mopped it....
.... even though I told her not to ;-:

Two more names to remember, the two woman employees: Trong and Nhung ! 


Time to STOP DANCING and time to get ready to leave ;-)
NO, it's NOT's a Broom seller on his/her scooter

The first stop with Lisa & Quang is a cable store.... need to buy wiring for the house........
Next stop:   Pho bo for breakfast

Lisa goes to the bank and Quang shows me where to buy Dalat White wine for 85,000 VND per bottle..... FINALLY I have discovered the ever-refilling spring ;-)

Time for a coffee...... 
Darned Pretty, that Vespa ;-)

.... and then L&Q are shopping for a continuous-flow water heater......

....while I am ogling LOUD computer speakers ;-)

I am so tempted...... but I should wait until I have my own place ....

.... back to the cable store..... they want to install my whole solar system for $2000.... NO NO NO! I Don't Want!  It's the DIY part that I really enjoy!

And then: Do you have money with you?   The cable guy wants a deposit.... good thing I have 5 million Dong in my wallet ;-)

Back to my place....and wine in the room .... 


how could I NOT? LOL

in the news:  Something about a YouTuber by the name of Rezo stirring up the political landscape in Germany..... NO, I have not watched the video (yet).... but this guy is just TOO FUCKIN' BEAUTIFUL, LOL (and I don't mean in the Hollywood way!)  A while later I have read a summary of his ramblings... and I am confirmed in my long-held opinion:
True beauty comes from the inside !
OK, enough of the dirty-old-man stuff ....


More news:  for the FIRST time EVER, a Canadian military ship will visit a Vietnamese port...
Canada is sending HMCS Regina across the Pacific!
together with a Military Gas Station.... Asterix 

MV Asterix.... a glorified floating gas station !

WHY? ... go figure, LOL......  

.... apparently the crew will 'play sports' with Vietnamese military personnel.    

Go Fuck yourself sideways, YOU who made that Canadian naval decision... 

.....never heard of Climate Change ???


Time to move again..... Lisa said that she knows a noodle place that is even better than the one I know.... how could I not agree to go ?
....walking off into the sunset

 It's not actually a noodle's the soup place I have been to before with Quang....

....but LISA is right... this is GOOD food !

.... more wine at Nha Quang.... and more discussions of the house details.....

19:30  And the day ain't over yet: a trip to Sweden.....

Wow.... a great talk with Bobby.... hard outer shell but such a sweet inside.....

I'm going to MISS him if he ever leaves ;-(


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