Wednesday 30 January 2019

Happy 1000! Hard to believe that what started as a crazy idea in 2013 is still going ...

Yes, I am talking about this little travel blog here....

It all started on Chinese New Year, February 10, 2013 as an admittedly crazy idea to chronicle my admittedly crazy adventures (they seemed so at the time) during the Year of the Snake, My Year.  

And it would not have happened without Yiman first telling me about the significance of 'My Year' and Alan having discovered and shown off this new 'blog' medium a few years before.

But at the end of that Year of the Snake, I discovered that I'd never had as much fun as during that year....
....probably a result of living EVERY DAY consciously and trying to make the most of it.  

So I kept going.  The blog..... and the modus vivendi.....
... and without that effort I would not be writing this post where I am writing it ;-)

Time to reflect and ponder:   I've been at this for 6 years now.   Not all of it good times, but the effort to seek out in life what makes me happy or at least content seems to have paid off.   I think I'm in a much better spot now than where I was those 6 years ago.   To think that in those days I was still learning from THIS FABULOUS GET-OUT-THERE SONG...... but we all have to start somewhere....
This is a milestone.  There are now 1000 published posts (actually 1001 including this one ;-). And another ~250 posts in progress, which one day might should electronic daylight.  

The world has changed (When I started this blog, the term Selfie had not been coined yet)....
I called it a cell phone reverse camera image then, LOL
...and I have changed (IMHO, the Western world has gone to shits (and they say the 80s were harsh) while I'm fleeing to the East.... but then I've always been an opinionated bastard).

Is there a moral to it all?

I'm not sure...... except Frankenfurter was not wrong: 
Even when facing the end (and aren't we all have to fact that sooner or later?), he stuck to living his dream.  So the moral:  Don't loose a minute in making your dreams come true, even if they do not consist of wearing lipstick & high heels ;-)

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