Wednesday 3 October 2018

Bai Bien Cua Toi (XV&XVI): Party? What party ? A puking party for one...

about 6:00

half an hour later it is pouring cats and dogs...

Swimming and looking over the water from a height of an inch or two above the surface is surreal....
The ocean has become a hedgehog with an infinite number of watery spikes.  It's an amazing experience so I keep swimming out there .....

....until I remember that my head being the highest elevation of a more or less plane surface would not be the best thing if lightning were to occur.


Pierre & Paige are leaving for Hoi An.  I'm heading up there, so I might see them again within a week.

Oh, Oh.... there isthat funny feeling in my stomach or liver or gall bladder again..... and it's not getting any better...... 

At 10 or 11 I tell B that I will stay in my room being sick until tomorrow morning and that no-one should come visit (I know what I look like when I get like this).

Muoi knocks on my door to fetch me for THE dinner ....  
Her SHOCKED look when I get to the door tells me what I look like, LOL.
10 minutes later, there is ANOTHER knock, this time it's poor little T's time to look shocked.

I heave up the last batch of that lovely dark green bile at about 2:00....

Early Morning....


Muoi brings me a rice soup.  I'm happy to see her and she looks relieved that I don't look like death anymore.

I sleep through at least half the day ..... 

At dinner, the German guests still talk about the beautiful Vietnamese food they had last night.  Chicken sweet-sour.   OMG, I remember Chau bringing the chicken the day before and them saying it would be a Thank You Meal for me for lending them the money.....  and I missed it ;-(

Well, at the least the Three Valkyries now how amazing Viet food can be ;-)

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