Thursday 20 September 2018

Bai Bien Cua Toi (III): Roaches, a Room change, ROT & Rotors, Relatives of friends

I slept poorly.... maybe it's worry about work in the back of my head?...... maybe it was the weather..... I awoke with the wind howling through the unfilled gaps in the window frames and rain drops hammering on the glass doors ......

An e-mail: The client confirms the translating project.   

Good for the coffers; bad for adventure:  That halts the plan to check out the tents on Dao Diep Son.  

Work requires a work desk and a printer/scanner and I'm not sure that they provide that in tent city ;-(

LOL, I never thought I'd say this, BUT:  

The Work-Less-Party might have been right:
Alarm clocks kill Dreams and Work stifles Adventure!

5:00   As usual, the night's rain is GONE ;-)

FUCK!  Do I DESERVE THIS much beauty EVERY morning?

Yesterday, I had observed a GIANT cockroach outside my door. about THREE INCHES long.  It might be the reincarnation of one of my departed relatives or friends (who says that roaches lead poor lives?), so I left it alone and forgot about it.
Sink laundry that was hung outside got drenched again by the rain, so I need a fresh pair of pants from my clothes wardrobe.   I put on the new pants and I'm in the process of threading and closing my belt.
WHAT is that feeling at the back of my leg? I twist around, pat the pants where I felt something and SEE the GIANT COCKROACH CRAWL/FALL OUT of the PANT LEG OF MY SHORTS and SCURRY under the fridge.


Ah well, I've had my close encounter of the Roach kind now and it can't get much worse, can it? lOl.

Time to ride to the market for my banh mi trung ;-)

GRIDLOCK on Market Road

God, I LOVE it here !
BEAUTY and LIGHT reside HERE !

What's in the news?
NOTHING really, except the by now standard tantrums of a demented child:

Yes, I have to admit that Binh has a good voice and can sing.   But listening to never-ending chants about "Oh my Lord Jesus" just after breakfast is not everyone's certainly ain't mine....

As soon as I walk to the beach for my swim, Puppy is back ....

Yes, THAT is a metal anchor, dragged ashore by plastic flotsam & jetsam

WHO says .....
that Klimt is dead ???


I am ready to move rooms, but M. is a bit sluggish (as usual).  He's just having breakfast and thinks he can leave my new room by 11:00.....


I'm packed and ready to move but M. still hasn't started cleaning out the room.....
I'm trying to help Tam by already taking the pillow cases of my pillows.  WTF?
You gotta be kidding.  No wonder I sleep poorly pressing my head on a pillow with black MOLD.....

Then it's time to clean those DISGUSTING fan blades.

OMG they're covered in sticky filth and the metal blades are already rusting at their edges.
the left one has been wiped with a wet cloth already

M. & I enter my old room with a single objective: too LAY WASTE to the Cockroach that crawled out of my pants leg this morning.   
He is ready with his slippers, I move the fridge.   
Scurrying ensues!  It's behind the wardrobe now! MOVE the wardrobe!  
M. is faster on his feet than I had anticipated:
The dragon has been SLAYED !

I wake up at 16:00 and keep drifting in and out of Morpheus' arms until a car horn honks at 16:15.   MUST get up, a friend's uncle has just arrived !

I step out of my room and there is THIS on the table on my terrace...

no, No, NO: Frisbees simply DO NOT EXIST in Vietnam.  You'd think with 2000 km of beaches, these would be COMMON here, but NO, they are NOT!  If you are fortunate to spot one of these babies here, you can BET that someone just imported it from somewhere else.  Thi Lan bought this for me in Paris and her uncle delivered it to these distant shores.  Cam on nhieu, copine!!!!
The last beach walk of the WAS INTENDED to find some peace and quiet, BUT since 3-year old T follows me everywhere I go, he gets to hold the bag into which I collect plastic flotsam and jetsam ;-)

The house is packed....... I helped a lot here today..... and did hear something about getting a free dinner out of it ...... NOT happening if I really thought it would. lOl

Kassandra bids you Good Night ;-)

I can't sleep.  I'm anxious.  WHY?   Is it work?  Or is it because I can fell that I need a CHANGE in my life?....time will tell...

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