Friday 20 July 2018

Bai Bien Cua Toi (XI & XII): SLEEPY & feeling at HOME

The sunrise at 5 is gorgeous, but I'm too tired to take pictures. WTF?

Lisa & Tina, my neighbours, leave at 6:30 for Nha Trang and it takes me until 8:30 to go for a walk and a swim.

By now it is raining, LOL

I still have no idea how I am going to get back to Vancouver.  Will I extend at Bai Bien Cua Toi?  Will I leave soon and discover Bali and fly back from there?

The first thing I notice when I wake up is that the outside muggy weather under overcast skies seems to have come inside.  Then I notice the fan is not running... 

But the power is back within one hour....


Phap knocks on my door.   The telephone translation says " A woman from the hotel next door says that the two women who left are missing their passports"  WTF?  
I send E-mails to my neighbours on their way to Nha Trang.

Phap knocks again.   I'm supposed to go to the hotel next door.  There I find the Swede talking into his phone translator trying to communicate with the Viet employee.

WHY would passports cross hotel boundaries?  Makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER.
Pandemonium ensues with the Swede talking to Australians without their passports and fighting with Google Translate on his phone.

An e-mail from the two German women who left this morning FINALLY brings clarity.  Hotel next door Viet woman gave two Aussie passports to the German women in my hotel to take to Nha Trang to give to two Aussies who forgot their passports next door.

BUT, the two women who by now have reached Nha Trang neither have the e-mail addresses NOR the telephone numbers of the passport-less Aussies.

WHAT the FUCK????

Good thing I have the e-mail of the TWO women carrying FOUR passports, LOL.  

Then the power fails again.

Then the cell data on my phone that was supposed to be good for 30 days, STOPS WORKING

OMG, I start feeling as if I were back in Canada, LOL.

Nothing else to do but go for a beach walk.....

 It's one of those days at the beach.  Put your camera on far zoom, point it anywhere, and you get 3 or 4 dragon flies into the narrow field of view.  The place is BUZZING with libellules; no need to be afraid of mosquitoes today ;-)

On my way back, I see Crazy Puppy being cuddled by Phap at the beach.  Bloody dog runs after me and I have to throw things to get him to go back to Phap, lOl.


still early..... I hope the power comes back SOON .....
NOT early anymore.....  the power has been back for a while when I wake up....

Tons of unsympathetic new guests have arrived and I am pondering more on the Extend vs. Bali issue.  Laziness says STAY but the thought of crossing the equator for the first time says otherwise....

Of course, there is THIS to consider lOl

Apparently, Mount Agung is now ready to not just smoke but to BLOW....
I've started watching Eat, Love, Pray. Horribly Cheesy movie, but it has Bali in it.

Maybe I'm weak because I don't EAT enough ?????


I'm back at the place next door.  Apparently my neighbours delivered the passports to the Aussies, but it was a slow process.  I never heard about it from them and only learn it through the staff next door.  Not necessarily a good recommendation for the goal these two women set themselves.


I needed that sleep ;-)


In the news:  

Type in "Idiot" in Google and look for images.  Guess who shows up ? ;-)

On another note.  Trump supporters are still supporting Trump after all the mindboggling SHIT he has delivered in his term of office so far.   

My opinion on that?   
Hillary Clinton's term "Deplorables" was closer to the mark than anyone could have imagined at the time ...... there was a good reason why dumb peasants didn't get to vote in the old days.


Phap invites me for an mi. At first I decline (I feel as if I'm taking advantage of their hospitality too often), but then realize that I could combine a bite with another task, namely let them write an e-mail reply to Thi Lan.  Am I ever glad I did.  These people are SO NICE.  
While Muoi dictates her reply to Thi Lan, Phap types it into the keyboard.....
.... and Tam & Muoi are busy CLEANING my FILTHY laptop.....

When Muoi shows me the dirty tissue after cleaning, I cover my eyes but manage to say "toi la toi SIGH!", which only elicits more laughter ;-)

In the News:  A North-Vancouver youth who executed the BRILLIANT plan of floating a life-size SEX DOLL with helium balloons from the beach will be CHARGED with mischief.  I've let Chinese Wishing Lanterns rise from the same area and I only realize now, that the cops could have come and charged me.

Do I want to LIVE in a place where THAT is ILLEGAL?   Have a wild guess, LOL.


I come back from a swim and the power is out again.... and with it the hotel routers.   Good thing my laptop has a battery and my cell phone has cell data reception again.  I turn on the cell hot-spot and keep doing what I do ....

But it's not ideal timing.  It's 33 degrees and overcast with ZERO wind. I'ts HOT outside and it's just a matter of time until the inside of my room will warm up too ;-)

Yeah!  The power is back by 11:45 ;-)

I finish watching Eat Pray Love.  The BEST part of that movie?  It's THIS quote:

If you’re brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting and set out on a truth seeking journey either internally or externally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared most of all to face and forgive some of the most difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you

Like it or Leave it lOl.

The power is gone again at 14:15

OMG.  This exact timing happened two days in a row now.  Noon to 2pm is the lunch break of the people who work on the power lines somewhere up-current, LOL.

An email from Thi Lan confirms what I had been thinking subconsciously.  Bali is a cheap tourist destination for young head-banger Aussies.  I don't need that crap at my age.

And of course there is 'Richard from Texas', LOL. 

A movie quote:  
You're gonna stay here until you forgive yourself, you hear me?  
Everything else will take care of itself.

Puppy dog from next door shows up again.  This is when I realize that it has SIX claws at each of its rear paws ;-)

Sweeping, talking to the boss, and laughing at being photographed
all at once LOL
Chau knocks on my door. He is HAMMERED.  He puts his arm around my shoulder and tries to drag me to the kitchen area.
I follow.   He has a bag of FRESH clams and when he pulls his scooter closer to the group, I realize that it is BRAND-NEW.
Yes, he is hammered, but that has to be celebrated.  As does the CRAZY hospitality of these people.
Now if this isn't the Zoolander MAGNUM LOOK, I don't know what is  (anh ay sai= he is plastered)

Shiny new chrome (NOT): plastic ;-)

as my Ferry-Consultant says: FRESH seafood should only be STEAMED
I bring up the subject of the puppy with the six claws.  I expect some Wheeew, that is WEIRD reaction.

NOPE. Phap doesn't even bat an eyelash and just speaks through Google Translate: Dogs with six claws on their hind paws are VERY intelligent.

Vietnamese Wisdom !

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