Thursday, 25 December 2014

HOW LONG is that flight? (or The true meaning of freedom)

13.5 hours in plane, then an 8 hour lay-over and then another 8 hours flight.  Where does that get you?  No, not the Sea of Tranquility on the lunar surface (that actually takes even longer).  That gets you to the other side of the earth.  Consider that in 3D for a moment !  In particular, if one departs here in Vancouver, one would be delivered by those flights to Perth Australia.

Why the hell would I want to go to Perth?  Easy: On Friday the 14th, Neil Young is appearing in a bar together with an unknown band (apologies to the band: unknown to me ;-). The tickets were selling for 15 Australian dollars and were still available when I discovered this.
Injidup beach 200 kms from Perth

So, given my nature sufficiently bared in this blog, why am I not in Australia right now?

I have the money.
I don't have a full-time job or translating projects that would hold me back.
I don't have a spouse (how I would love to have that one back ;-( or kids that would keep me here.
I'm not wheelchair-bound nor do I have a condition that would prevent me from going.
I'm not afraid of Ebola-contaminated planes or terrorist attacks on or mechanical failure of the planes that would take me there.
I am not afraid of the 29 degree Celsius weather down there.
I am not afraid of crossing the Equator (au contraire, it's something I haven't done yet! ;-)

In 25 years I am likely to be dead.   WHY am I right now not suffering from a most horrible jet lag caused by the 16 hour time difference?  WHY did I not go and see Neil Young in a BAR (!!!) and at the same time visit Australia?

After this long introduction, you're probably expecting an answer.  But I can't give you one, because I'm not really sure myself.  I'm not entirely sure why I did not take the opportunity to see something that I should have been dying to see.  Sure, I keep coming up with extenuating circumstances to defend myself, but in the end I always come back to the same spot:  Yes, all my excuses are valid, but I still should have gone to Perth.

Freedom lives in one's head.

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