Friday, 28 September 2018

Bai Bien Cua Toi (XI & XII): A dream, work, waves...frustration creeping in and being vanquished

Just another boring sunrise..... NOT, lOl

There is an e-mail.    Grandma feels week. WTF?  Last night I dreamed Grandma had a heart-attack and died in front of my eyes.  In reality: The Nurses want to ship her to a HOSPITAL but Grandma refuses.  I am fully aware that I will have to make an executive decision.  Where is that telephone?    
There are two possible decisions, and four possible outcomes. 
I talk to Grandma for a while and she seems weak but utterly coherent and sure of what she wants.  
Am I making the easier decision or not?  Considering my thoughts about having someone make decisions for me when I'm old, and myself not agreeing with those decisions, I feel more confident that letting Grandma decide for herself is the best way to go.
 It's hazy but WARM.

This bay has amazing waves.   Be floated to the crest by one and you can see it breaking to the left and right for miles.   Too bad I don't surf, lOl.

I walk over to the kitchen area and see Thom sitting there with headphones on his head waving at me.   The exuberant feeling of happiness washing over me is another indication that Less is More!

Tossing around in the waves, I ponder the nature of the universe....... having a particular theme in a dream for the first time ever and getting an e-mail confirmation a few hours later....... yes, you can call that coincidence...... but this physicist doesn't believe in that kind of coincidence...... but he doesn't believe in having supernatural powers either.........but what are the alternatives.....Good Luck with figuring that one out !

Another sign of the times (NOT a good sign IMHO):  Looking up "supernatural" in Google Images produces almost exclusively pictures of a TV series.  

Thanks to all the consumption freaks in the world, Google is becoming unusable!

Anyway, the whole worrying about Grandma brings up my mourning for George again and in particular THIS beautiful combination of sound & image. 

Time to buy cigarettes.  3 packs of White Horse.  I just spread my wallet and extend it to the kid guarding the store.   The usual result. The idea of taking too much doesn't even enter their thoughts.   CAD $3.49 for 3 packs of cigarettes.  Equivalent cost in Canada: $48.  I'm happy to be HERE but NOT only for the cheap prices.....

 OMG, it's so beautiful !

Did I just dig the Eye of Osiris?

FINALLY, the ether is carrying my draft translation to the patent attorney in Vancouver......
I'm exhausted, both physically and mentally.....
In Vancouver I'd succumb to the temptation to .....(this is a 5th amendment blank ;-)
Here, I just go to the beach ;-)

But where are the 3 German Sauna women with little T?  Did M tell them that DUSK happens fast here and that they might be trapped behind the rocks by the tide?   Time for a rescue mission:

That's NOT them....

There they are.....

Viva Vietnam !

Big sweating woman running after spoiled little child !


Dinner in Sweden?  Why not...
WTF?   The place has ONLY TWO TABLES?  

I only notice once they have been dragged away to the beach by other people. 

The bar stools are REALLY UNCOMFORTABLE!  

WHY is food taking so LONG?  
I'm going to do take-out, eat in my room, and bring the plate back later!
Toi se an hand-wave-over-there. 
I almost forget to pay in my endeavor to reach the comfy table in my room.
Oh, the cook points out another table hidden in the dark....
But then I hear the cat-calls of the 7 single mothers ..... 
Wooooowwwwwooow!...... What's your name? .... hysterical group laughter ....
OMG, they sound like a Beer & Blowjobs bunch of British bimbos in Brest ! 
How was THAT for an alliteration? lOl

Chat with the Australian born in La Bretagne over their dinner on the kitchen terrace.  And it's a joy....

WHY does one connect with some people instantly and never with others?


time to sleep !


Grandma is MUCH better today...... I made the right decision after all....this time......


OMG, I'm SLOW & Tired this morning.....  Post-work trauma?  Or maybe it's the DRIZZLE outside?  Or Grandma worries?   
Whatever it is, I have enough excuses to be slow today lOl.

 Oh right.  It's Saturday.   That means that the youth resort next door will be full again.   Prepare for Karaoke tonight, lOl.

As soon as I get to the waterline, Puppy comes running, all happy to see me.  But somehow that triggers another action....

YUK!  I walk down the beach for a bit before I enter the water ....

January 2018

It's time to get a haircut again.   Whatever hair there is left is getting too long.  Coming out of the water gives me not a comb-over but a wash-over. Can't have that!

So I hop on the scooter to ride to my coiffeur, this will be my 3rd visit to this handsome, efficient, and cheap master of the art of sculpting head hair.

Oh, NO, are there really THREE people in front of me?   NOPE, let's try again later....

More flotsam nets need to be pulled out of the ocean.   When I pull one to higher beach ground, I notice that it contains 2 flopping little fishies.   
WHAT to do?    Easy:  Just grab the little trashing fish in your hand, run the 20 meters to the water and THROW it back, lOl.

There is more stuff in the water.....
 At first I suspect some Czech or Hungarian tourists to have lost their bag but then I see the "Produs in Vietnam".  
That's a nice shopping bag, LOL, someone will be happy to have it !

Time to try the barber again..... OH, NO!.....  They're sweeping the floor.  A right hand waved side to side, Asia's universal sign for NO, indicates that the shop is now CLOSED.    Darn.  That means I'll be shaggy for another day......

The ride back is interesting......  What happens when you have a flooded road without a storm drain left to dry up on its own? 

Time to talk to B.    
Seems she & Q. applied for a building permit for my property.   ONLY.... they didn't ask me WHAT exactly I wanted to build there......and WHERE the foundation is supposed to be on the property..... 
I'm sure they meant WELL, but...  I point out to them that it would be more decorous to ask ME first, lOl.


Pierre wants to borrow my terrace to conduct his French online classes at 18:00.
Oh, NO, just take my room; I'm going to be eating out at that time anyway.....   This response gets me an invitation to a Gin & Tonic in Sweden, lOl, GOOD DEAL.

Naturally, what is MUCH MORE important is having a conversation over a drink with a social, intelligent and insightful person......there are so frighteningly few of those where I come from!

Back to Sweden for the usual dinner:  com va trung va rau ;

Dinner (read:  drinking wine) on the kitchen terrace is GREAT.  Conversation just flows.   This is 'traveling' at its greatest:  Meeting people twice or half as old as oneself and discovering that you have more in common with them than with your same-age-peers from your own background. 

Want to know what that feels like?  

Just listen to this: La Vie en Rose and look at the picture below, lOl.

Toi vui (and drunk of course ;-)

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Bai Bien Cua Toi (IX&X): Frisbee Mania, Work, Waves, Wacky creatures

No, watching the dawn announce the new day NEVER gets old ;-)

Makes perfect sense for a full moon:  the moon sets exactly when the sun rises !

I finish this post after 5 weeks of miserable Vancouver existence ....
.... and I finally UNDERSTAND why I can't get out of bed in this town.....

When I get to the market at 7:00 my first route is to the store is where I saw the unloved little kitten yesterday. I don't see it and the woman answers my hand-waving question with a shake of her head.   

SHITE.  I hope the kitten found a happy place...

Binh invites me to sit for breakfast with them but exclusively speaks Vietnamese.  WTF?   More news:  I am informed that I'm moving to my old room today instead of tomorrow because the other guests are leaving one day early.  NO question "Would you like to move to your old room one day early?", it just got decided.  Ah well ....

Pierre & Paige sleep too long, lOl.  Yesterday I offered to drive one of them to the market but they only crawl out of their room at 7:45.  It is already getting HOT! They happily accept the offer of using my scooter to get them to the market. 

I barely step out after waking up when my stuff is hustled into the new room and I barely have time to pack stuff before my bags move.  WTF?

Today there are a LOT of things in the water.  Floating plastic bags, candy wrappers, AND FISH.
I'm floating somewhere out there when in the extremely calm see about 10 black about thumb-long tiny fish spaced VERY close together facing me.  I propel back a bit.  They follow.  WOU!  Keep your distance.  This might be a Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind, but I'm not comfortable. After repeated attempts to keep them at bay with my hands and feeling one touch my hand  I swim away as fast as I can.(Silly, really, what am I thinking?  Mini Piranhas?).    

I could have slept more but the feeling of something scurrying over my outstretched arm wakes me.   My eyes open and I see a loooong tail disappearing.   SCREAM ! A LAT?
Fortunately not.
A bit of Jump & Broom & Scream action and I have maneuvered my friendly Mini-Komodo out the by now open door.


I just put my shorts back on to go swimming and am having a last cigarette on the terrace, when Quang cruises around the corner with his BIG grin.   Now normally I can live with sitting next to each other for 10 minutes without anyone saying a word, but I wanted to go swimming!

Binh involuntarily saves the day by suggesting we play Frisbee with her son. 

Quang refuses four times but then plays anyway.... and he's good at it!

I had told the French/American couple that they should grab the Frisbee whenever they felt like it.  
Half an hour ago I see onlythem playing with it.  NOW, a dozen village kids are involved.
  Remember:  These kids have NEVER EVER seen a Frisbee before ;-)
Cam on nhieu, Thi Lan !
Dinner time with the newly arrived nhung phu nu Duc.    
What can I say about them?   
They're nguoi Duc, lOl.

A last smoke-break and I just KNOW that I have to get my camera out again....

Thank you, Vietnam !

Another morning, another open-air spectacle ;-)
The BIZARRE thing:  The hotel owner and most guests sleep until 8 or 9 am and don't get to see ANY of this !


work still looms over today....

the weather is changing... or maybe it's just the seafloor.   The sea is quite flat about 50 meters out but throws up man-high waves close to the shore.  

And it's FUN crashing through them....

OMFG! has added a new Nomad Mode.  You pick a few destinations and the duration that you want to stay there.  
So I tried it....spe with amazing results:

These are the flights:

flight Vancouver - Honolulu

1 night in Honolulu (NO, hotel room cost is NOT included -)
flight Honolulu - Osaka
1 night in Osaka
flight Osaka - Tokyo
3 nights in Tokyo
flight Tokyo - Okinawa
1 night in Okinawa
flight Okinawa - Taipei
2 nights in Taipei
flight Taipei - Saigon

A chance to visit Tokyo AND Taipei AND to fly from Vancouver to Saion.  And all THAT for CAD$ 795  (US$ 610).


I walk over to the kitchen area and Muoi waves me over and motions for me to don wire-less headphones which today actually emit music.

6 or more months ago, I got some FREE Bluetooth Sony headphones with my new cell phone.   But I didn't know what to do with them..... so I left them in a suitcase in Vietnam.   When someone was behaving poorly by listening to some religious crap on their cellphone at the dinner table (the usual suspect), I got the thing out of storage but presented it to Thom & Thung instead.   They had never seen anything like it.   A USB charging cable?   I showed them that it should be inserted into a wall plug.   NO music coming out yet? was the reaction.  NO, the plug is only for charging. 
So I was delighted to see that this morning someone had figured out how to establish the Bluetooth connection to a cellphone!  After all, the operating instructions did NOT come in tieng Viet ;-(....... toi rat vui ;-)

Time to head back to the beach, fish another large bag out of the water and start filling it with flotsam & jetsam.... 

 .....and true to the Vietnam Motto "Something NEW every day", I see these things on the beach.  
 About the size of a bottle cap, but definitely ORGANIC, lOl.
extraterrestrial ?

... and YES, I'm STILL going in the water ...
It's Chau knocking at the door.   He wants me to get a massage from his son.   I try to chicken out with 'ngay mai', but Thu/ng is leaving today...... OK
When I get to the common area, Chao is already dragging out a mattress for my to lay down on.  OH NO, there are reasons why that is NOT going to happen!  I tell Thu/ng "shoulders for 10 minutes".   
OMG, that massage school in Quy Nhon teaches him well.   All the tension from a week of computer work just melts under his thumbs.   This kid is 16 years old and 5'6" tall but it feels as if those thumbs drilling into my tense muscles belong to a 6'4' 200 pound Istanbul Hammam gorilla.

MUST do that again when he comes back here again!

The store.
63,000 VND for 15 small brownies, 3 bags of banh com, 4 pots of yogurt (unfortunately with aloe vera), and a bag of peanut brittle.  

Time to collect some garbage and to JUMP some WAVES ;-)



An e-mail from Paris.   I think I might have a travel companion for Namibia, LOL.                                                                                                                     But she also wants to go to Zanzibar!   With a name like that.... GREAT IDEA !                                             
World, here we come !

A quick dinner at the Swedish place..... when I try to leave a tip, the Viet waitress & cook thinks I'm arguing about the bill.... she thinks I want to pay less, but I just try to pay more..... it is UNKNOWN in rural Vietnam....I shouldn't ruin it ;-)

The third German 'Sauna friend' has arrived.  Bland ;-( as a first impression but in retrospect she is the most darling one.  But the newly arrived French man (living in Australia with an Asian wife & kid) IS INTERESTING.    
It's strange how one notices that SPARK of intelligence in people right away....  NO 'fabulous weather, eh?' or 'How about them Canucks?' talk here..... within 3 minutes of our conversation we agree that the previous Australian PM's message of 'no more boats' is an atrocity....  let's see how long they will stay....